Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Friday, August 05, 2005

CNN is confused.

Bob Novak has been suspended from CNN after cursing out Democratic strategist James Carville live on-air. Heh. Well, one, that's sort of an 'oops' moment for Novak right there - poor guy's having a rough time lately, isn't he? Poor lad.

I find it interesting, though: if you go to, and search their site for 'Bob Novak', then this is the most recent hit you get.

Hm. Is this a 'let's ignore it and hope it goes away' thing, or is it a 'we really don't think that this is credible and important news, even though it happened on our network, live' thing? I personally am leaning towards the latter. Will the FCC be fining CNN for obscenity, now? Is a 3-second broadcast delay in CNN's future? The people will not stand for this horror! Won't someone think of the children?! (Oh, wait: the kids are to busy playing GTA. Forget that last bit.)

Few more interesting tidbits: the search function doesn't reveal anything at all about the Time/Novak/Miller mess, at all. Both CNN and Time are, of course, owned by the same parent company (which also owns a crapload of other media/news outlets, as you can see thanks to the good folks at the CJR.) Also interesting: CNN has been accused of being liberally biased (at least, more than it's been accused of the opposite). Time Magazine has been accused of being liberally biased. Can someone find the common thread here?

Aaah, I've got it. They both use lots of shiny graphics and sidebars and human interest features and, really, are marshmallows in terms of toughness. It doesn't matter if they're liberal or conservative or completely and totally neutral: They're utterly worthless.


At 14:01, Blogger Shawn said...

Cheers to that. The fluff that's passed off as journalism is bit sad.

The message is pretty clear though... Commit a felony? Welcome to the show. Lose it and use some mild profanity? Uh, we need you to take a bit of a vacation.

By the way, I sort of know one of your professors out there in Santa Fe.


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