Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Things in the bible that have left me bewildered or freaked out

(since I haven't done enough to piss of Christians lately)

1. I'm reading the bible, which is just...weird, for me.
2. After God destroys Sodom and Lot and his daughters are in the desert, they date-rape him. Uh...okay...
3. It's ok for Lot to offer his virgin daughters up to a mob, but not for the mob to want gay sex?
4. Do we really need entire chapters of "So-and-so begat so-and-so Jr..."?
5. God's kind of pissy, in general.
6. God is not nessecarily good. We discussed this in seminar: there's nothing said that "god is good", and there's not much evidence in the text. The same holds for omniscience/omnipotence/all that Judeo-Christian stuff.
7. Adam and Eve: Why bother putting the tree there? Why wasn't the serperant banished, too?
8. Cain and Abel: How were they supposed to know what was a good sacrifice? Did God know what Cain was doing? If he did, why did he let him do it, only to punish him later? Why was no one supposed to kill Cain? For that matter, who was God worried about? Where'd the other people come from?
9. God regretted man - isn't this a sign against omniscience?
10. About that flood: Vindictive, much? "Oops, this didn't work out so well, so...smiting for everyone! Other than Noah, and all the animals."
11. Abram: Stop letting other people marry Sarai. It may work well for you, but not so much for the third party, as they're the ones gettin' the Godly Smackdown.
12. Is it possible that Abra(ha)m was just completely frickin' insane? He convinced all the other guys around him to cut off part of their genitals? This, more than anything else, I refuse to believe anyone who can think truly believes is the literal truth.
13. Why'd god need to test Abraham? What if Abraham hadn't noticed the ram? What if he sacrificed Isaac anyway? Poor Isaac. Also: see previous item. Is that not proof enough of Abraham's loyalty?
14. God says that man isn't going to live to be over 120 anymore. Then Sarah proceeds to live to be 127. Uh...hello? Did a certain deity forget his promises again?
15. How in the world did we get the cute little naked babies on valentines day cards from cherubim? They had fiery, ever-turning (?) swords.
16. Was god pissed off because Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit, or was god pissed because they were ashamed and tried to hide from him?
17. Why put the tree there!?!? That's gonna kill me.
18. Does God have a physical form, according to the bible?

I'm finding the Jewish version a lot easier to read, compared to the King James. Good ole' James seems immensely archaic in comparison (which, yeah, ironic much?). That could be due to the respective fonts, though.


At 09:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right; God is not necessarily good. In fact, since God is all - or the source of all, at least, God is evil as well. Or rather, he contains evil. Thus, we do as well.


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