Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Monday, September 05, 2005

I'm not at karate right now because A) my knees hurt, so I should not work out (grumble grumble) and B) I just woke up from a sinfully-beautiful hour-long nap. I'd forgotten how easily one gets tired here. I think I'm going to have to start counting on finishing my seminar reading over the weekend, as there's no way I'm going to be able to avoid dozing in that precious free time I have on Mondays. Greek -> music -> lunch -> math -> reading -> karate -> dinner -> seminar is just not going to happen, not that I expected it to.

I'm developing mixed feelings towards music. My tutor is extremely nice (and hugely qualified, too) and the class dynamic seems pretty decent. However, we're apparently going to spend a decent amount of class time every day reading out loud. Even if it's the stuff we were supposed to read for homework. We also discuss it, of course, but...on the upside, it means that my Monday-night can be lessened slightly. Thank god, because see the previous paragraph for why my brain is generally going to be dead by after seminar.

Speaking of seminar: Exodus is reminding me of why I dislike organized religion (Judaism especially) so much: There are so many freaking rules! Now, I admit, I'm morbidly curious about why it was nessecary to establish a rule forbidding men from "lying with" animals. But there are just so many rules. Everything is specified and outlined exactly how to do it. I understand the need for basic rules and laws of a civilization, but I refuse to accept pointless and/or baseless rules. Ergo, a religion based on "some unprovable, unseeable, and completely intangible being said to live this way, so you must live this way" is not going to sit well with me.

I find it fascinating that there are such hypocrites out there who claim that the bible ought to be taken literally. For one, Exodus has shown me that God is not just a show-off, but something of a manipulative, passive-aggressive bastard. Also: let's see those fundies follow every rule set down in Exodus alone, and then see how much of the Bible they think should be taken literally.


At 17:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly. It's always been ignored that exactly 6 verses after God -- or rather, Exodus -- forbids men from lying with man as with woman, he forbids people from wearing garments made of more than one type of clothe. And, that man can not lie with woman when she is "unclean". How many of them break that law? On the other hand, Jesus repeats over and over and over, through words and actions, that thou shalt love thy enemy as thyself.


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