Tests and breasts
There's a Harvard medical student who has sued the organization that does medical board testing. She sued because they wouldn't give her extra break time. The standard is 45 minutes however you want (in one chunk or spread out) throughout nine hours of exams, plus whatever excess time from one of the exam 'blocks' if you finish early. For added fun she's already getting a private room and extra time on the exam due to learning disabilities. In my opinion, she's one of those types who just sets women back - bugging the 'establishment' with idiotic requests for special treatment doesn't do any good.
Now, my first question is what the hell someone with a still-breastfeeding infant is going to do when she starts working as a doctor, a career which is notoriously time consuming. A 'normal' job means, with few exceptions, you can excuse yourself or shut your office door and do whatever you need during your eight-hour day. A doctor, not so much.
Secondly: if you can't meet the requirements of the exam, take it later. Simple as that. You chose to spawn; deal with the consequences.
Thirdly, if she's taking nine hours of exams spread over two days, that's four and a half hours per day. That should be plenty of time to be able to control your bodily functions within a twenty minute break. And if it's going to take you longer than that or you can't summon up the determination to do it, then maybe medicine - where people's lives may depend on your judgment - isn't the field for you.
It's a simple thing. Either you put your career first and make sacrifices in your personal life (don't have kids, or since it's too late for that, don't breastfeed) until your career is established. Or, put your personal life first, and wait until you're no longer breastfeeding to take the exams. It's, what, six months at most? You can't have everything.
Labels: annoyances, common sense, idiots, law
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