Lately I've been having a bit of difficulty sleeping, especially after I twisted my sleep schedule around a bit while working on a big essay a while ago. Tired of waking up not at all rested, I picked up some melatonin at the store the other day. I'm not comfortable with most typical sleep aids for a variety of reasons, but some research showed melatonin to be cheap, not likely at all to leave me groggy, no problems taking it as frequently or infrequently as needed, and generally safe. The only real side effect I read about was vivid dreams and/or nightmare, which was fairly negligible.
They are very much not joking about that. Oh man are they not joking. I fell asleep in no time at all, which was great, but then last night was the first night in years that I actually woke up from a nightmare and then had trouble calming my brain down. It was incredibly weird, the type of nightmare that was absolutely and completely nonsensical, but it was so vivid I had a rather hard time convincing myself of that. I'm working on writing it up, because it's too damn weird to just let go, but as a preview: I was on a quest for...the secret, hidden laundry room, which apparently was someplace behind a hidden door near the disused pool. The quest got delayed because of the mummified remains sealed in the glass-encased portable sauna machine. Then things started to get weird.
I'm not going to write melatonin off entirely because of that (I did sleep well up until that), but if/when I take it again, no more movies about serial killers before bed. (Memories of Murder, btw, a Korean thriller. Very good.)
Labels: drugs, introspection, weird
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