Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Let's do the tiiiiime waaaaaarp again...

Overnight, what had been some political instability in Honduras has turned into the time-honored classic of 'oh holy hell' borderline chaos.

The [former?] president, Manuel Zelaya, apparently had been trying to rewrite the Honduran constitution to allow him to run for a second term. Both congress and the judicial system said that that was in no way kosher. Zelaya decided to try to go ahead with it anyway, and when the head of the armed forces wouldn't help him out, Zelaya fired him.

Then, Zelaya showed up via Honduran military plane in Costa Rica. Apparently, the military arrested/kidnapped him in the middle of the night and got him out of the country. The supreme court is apparently taking 'credit' for this, and today - since the president is not there - congress should be installing the head of congress as the new head of state.

Apparently the White House has (unsurprisingly) condemned the coup, but I haven't heard anything else, partly because I don't think anyone's quite sure of what's going on just yet. Apparently, this is the first time since the Cold War that a Latin American president has been ousted in such a manner, which is a bit of historical reenactment we could all do without.

Hugo Chavez is apparently a close ally of the Zelaya government, so it'll be interesting to see how he reacts. I think he's already blaming America, of course, but I can't wait to see what further saber-rattling he comes out with.

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