Yaaar, neuroses ahoy!
In music class today, we were going over some exercises based on the writings by Boetheus. It's laying the mathematical foundation for music, basically, talking about the ratios between tones and semitones and diatessarons and other fun intervals. This, as mathematical concepts tend to, require math skills. Not my forte, but this is hardly advanced stuff - adding and subtracting ratios? I should have been at ease with that since, what, fifth grade? Seventh, at the latest.
But, I'm not. And despite the fact that almost every other person who did a problem on the board was uncertain as well, I sat there, counting to where I'd be, silently hoping that everyone would ask lots of questions and we wouldn't get around to me. We did, and I proceeded to almost freak out. I didn't, and more importantly, I think I covered it at least somewhat decently, and didn't look as panicked as I felt.
*sigh* First time this year I've been up to the board. I didn't entirely botch it, though - it wasn't pleasant but I didn't die.
I think it says something about the public school education I got that I still sort of remember calculus, but don't really remember algebra. (Okay, fine. Part of that is because the schools kind of continually used my class as guinea pigs, and so I'm not certain I ever got a cohesive, complete algebra course. Also, my calc teacher in high school was awesome; previous math teachers not so much.)
Other stuff: asking around with a handful of friends from home reveals that it is rather hard to come up with really good things about NJ. One person contributed that the liquor laws aren't quite as evocative of the USSR as PA's are. Seeing how in, like, the other 48 states, you can pickup a sixpack at the nearest Walgreens, I'm not sure that that means anything.
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