First of all: sorry for nearly a week without anything at all. I decided at the last minute to, again, jump into the madcap world of NaNoWriMo - for those too lazy to click, it's a bunch of crazy people trying to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. I started on the 14th, so I'm way behind, but it gives me the motivation to work on a concept I've had bouncing around my head for a while now. Right now I'm at 23.5K, and I'm hoping to make 40K by the end of the month. So, from now until the 30th, I can't promise anything like a daily dose of outrage: I'm far to busy with setting up a nefarious political scheme involving overachieving actor/singers, bitter welders, confused students, and physicians working in the field of cryogenics.
To tide you over for now: Camden is, once again, considered the most dangerous city in the country. Yeah Jersey! The counterargument does have some merit: that it's not fair to compare Camden (pop. ~79,000) to much larger cities, such as NYC or Detroit. On the flip side, if you simply look at number of homicides per X number of people, then...well, Camden doesn't look so great.
Interestingly, Camden is not far at all from Moorestown, which was recently voted the best place in the nation to live. New Jersey is one confused state, I'll tell you.
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