Vote ahoy!
This coming Tuesday is the local school district elections - the budget is up for approval and of course, school board elections. I'm very excited, because I get to actually go to a polling place and cast a vote in person, which is something I've never gotten to do before.
I'm also fairly apathetic about it. I'll vote to give them the money they're asking for. It doesn't really effect me because I don't pay property tax here, but even if I did, I'd still vote yes. I'm a product of these public schools, I think they're doing a decent job with what they have, and I'm going to go ahead and say that no public school has ever been harmed by having too much money to spend.
When it comes to the school board, I really just can't motivate myself to care. This town that I'm from has a long and wonderful history of being as bitchy and 'partisan' as congress. I'm pretty firmly of the belief that education should not make people angry, so chill.
So: I'm going to be an irresponsible voter, pick a name or two, and vote for them.
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