Thank god for the TSA

The Transportation Security Administration: Keeping America safe from the snow-globe menace since 2001.
Also interesting:
Bringing a prohibited item to a security checkpoint - even accidentally - is show up for a flight. You have, say, a 3.5 ounce bottle of mouthwash with you. They notice. You say, "Oh. Whoops. Just go ahead and throw that out." They say, "You're under arrest for possesion of more than 3 ounces of a liquid at a security checkpoint in an airport." The Bill of Rights shrivels up and dies, as it needs more than 3 liquid ounces of justice to preserve it.
To ensure everyone's security, a security officer may decide that an item that is not on this chart is potentially dangerous and may prevent you from taking it through the checkpoint.What the hell? We now give our police - oh, wait, they're not even trained in law enforcement - the right to randomly declare something "dangerous", and confiscate it? What the ever-loving hell are we doing to ourselves?
For what it's worth, I'm half tempted to set up a kiosk in the departures lobby of PHL. I'll sell 3-ounce bottles of water and clear plastic bags. This list is pretty chuckle-worthy, and it says something about the idiocy of the system that they have to break it down into whether or not you can bring pudding vs whether or not you can bring Jello. Your tax money at work, ladies and gents.
...Anyone want to place any bets as to whether or not I actually manage to get on an airplane on Friday? Extra screening, perhaps?
Labels: America, common sense, conspiracy, Travel
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