Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Friday, June 22, 2007

I somehow doubt that Christians in West Sussex are a persecuted group

Oh noes! I can't wear my magical anti-sex ring at school where it violates the dress code! This is clearly a violation of my human rights!
Lydia Playfoot was told by Millais School in Horsham, West Sussex, to remove her ring, which symbolises chastity, or face expulsion.
The school denies breaching her human rights, insisting the ring is not an essential part of the Christian faith.
No kidding! If you're going to argue otherwise, could you point me to the verses that not only encourage chastity, but say that you must wear jewelry in order to remain chaste?

"The real reason for the extreme hostility to the wearing of the SRT purity ring is the dislike of the message of sexual restraint which is counter cultural and contrary to societal and governmental policy," she added.
Wait, what? Meaningless sex at the age of 16 is governmental policy in Britain? I missed that.

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At 09:02, Blogger fightforpancakes said...

I think this situation puts an exellent light on the stupidity of some policy's in this country.
Either jewelry and head garments are allowed or they aren't. It cant be one rule for some on for others.

At 14:15, Blogger MrvnMouse said...

It's a good thing I wasn't living in Britain when I was 16. I would have completely failed to follow that government and societal policy. We need to enact some policies like that in Canada.

At 15:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure it's a silly thing to get upset about if it violates school policy. My only question is whether the school would allow the girl to keep her ring if it symbolized something in a Faith other than Christianity.

Because that sort of thing happens a lot. People respect most religions more than they respect Christianity.


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