Por que no te callas?
Here is a video of the king of Spain* telling Hugo Chavez to shut up.
Apparently during an Ibero-American summit meeting, the PM of Spain was speaking. Hugo Chavez (whose microphone was off) kept interrupting. Eventually, the king of Spain, sitting next to the PM, leaned forward to face Chavez and said, "Why don't you just shut up?"
I love when diplomats say 'the hell with this politeness crap' and say what they're really thinking. (Also, while I'm not a rabid Chavez-hater, the guy's a total moonbat and does, sometimes, need to shut up.)
*Apparently they still have a king, which I had absolutely no idea of.
The Spanish president had the right to speak and was trying to say that at the bare minimum presidents should show respect for each other for the sake of their people, as a reply to previous retarded insults delivered by Chavez against the former president of Spain, whom he called fascist and "snake".
As the Spanish president tried to say his simple peace, Chavez insisted on interrupting to continue his array of ill-placed political insults, when the Spanish King (a formality legacy of time, Spain works as a democracy) had enough of the childish behavior and treated the Venezuelan as he was begging to be treated.
The world is loving it and I hope this happens more often, just about every time Chavez opens his blatant, ignorant mouth.
As I watched the video I was hoping security would walk in and escort the monkey outside the premises, as the situation called for IMO. That would have made my week.
Agreed. Having watched the videos it was clear that mr. Chavez went far beyond what is polite or correct, and even beyond what is the norm for passionate political debate.
I am not even thinking of the essence of his comments (which I also happen to disagree with), but purely about trying to shout down an opponent who has the floor.
To me, Guan Carlos's outburst "Porque no te callas" hits the mark, both in its form and in it's essence.
Yes, Spain has a King, again. The monarchy returned in 1975, upon the death of Dictator Francisco Franco.
Living in New Spain (New Mexico), you should have known that:)
Give my regards to Bill Richardson, who is running hard for vice president, under Hillary Rodham Clinton.
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