Beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
It's just getting harder and harder to avoid mocking the people who were diehard, obsessive Obama supporters during the election. So far he's got a staff and cabinet full of Washington-game-playing centrists. He's gonna appoint Clinton as Secretary of State, which is A) about two steps away from just picking a republican and B) astonishingly retarded, because she has five more years in Senate than Obama himself, which compared to people who've had real careers - and no, being someone's wife does not count - that's absolutely nothing.
So basically, Obama is proving himself to be (shockingly) another politician who's concerned first and foremost with whatever the hell drives idiotic centrists who shout lots of great, bold ideas about Change and Hope until they get elected, and then promptly forget about all of that, surround themselves with moderates who don't give a damn about Change and Hope.
Ten bucks says that by a few months into his term, when people start really complaining that they were lied to, he'll spout even more bullshit about how progress takes time and we need to keep those who disagree close to us and not alienate them and so on.
Oh, America. For a day or two, I truly did hope you'd changed, but that was just foolish on my part.
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