Lay off the grass!
Lately here in Santa Fe there's been this issue being argued relentlessly about concerning grass. Namely, the grass on the plaza, which apparently has been referred to as "historic" (okay...). The main issue is whether or not to allow vendor booths and picnic tables and such on it. Those in favor of say that that's what the grass in a public plaza is for. Those against, as far as I can tell, say it takes too much of a toll on the grass.
Now, here's my thing: we're in Santa Fe. That's high desert. You know what does not naturally grow in very dry climates at high altitudes? Did you guess grass? You're correct! Grass likes lots and lots of water. By definition the desert does not have lots and lots of water.
So here is my suggestion: don't just shut the hell up about it, but forget about having grass. It's stupidly expensive in every way to try to maintain grass here. It can be done, sure, but not terribly easily. That's part of living in the desert. You get 300 days of sun a year, you get beautiful sunsets, you get mountains, you get great hiking. On the other side of the coin are the potential opportunities to contract hantavirus or the plague, and the fact that grass really doesn't want to be here.
Seriously. Please stop whining about the grass dying. If you want to have green grass in a climate like this, it will inevitably be a look-but-don't-touch thing, because it wants to die to begin with.
Somehow, I have no problem understanding this, but people who have been here for far longer than I seem not to.
Labels: annoyances, common sense, nature, Santa Fe
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