Man on the moon
Forty years and a few hours ago, two human beings landed in a strange looking vessel on the moon.

A few hours after that they crawled out the door of that vessel, down a ladder, and dropped a few feet to the surface of the moon. They looked up, and they saw a dark sky marred only by the glow of the Earth looming above them.

You can't put a price on awesome like that. That's human exploration in it's purest form. We went because, as President Kennedy said, it wasn't easy. It was hard. Things went wrong. Lots of things went wrong, from Liberty Bell 7's hatch blowing out and sinking, to the hatch not opening on Apollo 1. Some very talented, smart, and dedicated men lost their lives for it. But ultimately, we succeeded - not because America was a superpower, but because when brilliant, scientific minds get going on something they're not going to stop until they figure it out - and there we were. Two men on the moon...
...and one circling above.

And that, my friends, is why we've kept going, and why we need to keep going. It's awesome. Literally awesome; it inspires awe. We said to hell with gravity, extreme temperatures, and absolute vacuum. We saw something we wanted and we went for it, and we kept going until we got there, and is the response to victory to simply stop?

No. We keep exploring. We set our sights on Mars, on the next solar system over, on things constantly bigger and better.
Because it's awesome.
Very well said! -Anna
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