Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


There's a number of online "training" things I need to do before I ship out to basic training at the end of January*, which - since it is both in my mind to do so and I have not yet lost *this* slip of paper with the password written on it - I have started today. Lesson one has taught me several things:
1) Apparently the 24-hour clock is complex enough to warrant a dozen plus slides explaining the concept of "add twelve, or a zero."
2) One of the problems with having both text displayed on the screen (say, your objectives and goals for this lesson) and a recording of someone reciting those goals is that they might not match up.
2a) A voice telling me that I need to pass the lesson exam with 100% accuracy while the text on the page tells me I need to pass it with 80% accuracy will, perhaps, not *entirely* convince me of the utmost importance of total accuracy.

*Speaking of which, I've had the following conversation probably half a dozen times: "So when do you leave?" "Last day of January." "Where are you going for training?" "Fort Leonard Wood, in Missouri." "Oh, boy, I hope you're ready for some cold weather." *Every* person who is familiar with that base has had the same reaction. So, uh, apparently I might freeze to death. And then die of heat stroke when I move on to my further training in San Antonio in early April, where the average high that time of year is in the low 80's.

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