Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I should have stopped while I was ahead.

I don't know why I read Ann Coulter, and yet. It's like poking at that sore spot in your mouth, or something: you know it's bad for you and it hurts, but you just can't stop. And, seriously, anyone who knows me could probably tell you that I should not have anything to do, at all, with someone who wants to get rid of Bush because he's too liberal.

Anyway, I just gave a her latest column a look, and it's chock full of gems, mostly about immigration. Things such as this:
For the record, I'll volunteer right now to clean other people's apartments if I don't have to pay taxes on what I earn.
I have no idea how much money Ms. Coulter makes, but I'm willing to be it's a lot. More than I make, definitely, and probably more than $19,874, even if it were tax-free. So, either she would for some reason prefer to take a huge tax-cut if she didn't have to pay any taxes, because taxes are bad, or...that's really all I can come up with, and it's fairly illogical. The current poverty line for a single person is $9800, so she'd do okay if she had no one depending on her and wanted to live just barely comfortably.

Moving on: Ms. Coulter quotes a scholar who basically says that we're not a nation of immigrants.
Brimelow then ran through the Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman-French, Welsh and Celtic immigrant influences in Britain alone.
Yes, but by and large those folks were conquering, not fleeing in search of freedom, religious liberty, a decent wage, or something like that. My great-grandfather who left Ireland a hundred and some years ago was not going to America for the same reasons why the Romans came to Britain. Also, I haven't gotten to hunt down the article referred to, but I'd be interested in finding out how, exactly, the Welsh counted as immigrants.

This continues for a bit, then we get to:
Why not use immigration the way sports teams use the draft -- to upgrade our roster? We could take our pick of the world's engineers, doctors, scientists, uh ... smoking-hot Latin guys who stand around not wearing shirts between workouts. Or, you know, whatever ...
For the sake of my sanity I'm just ignoring that last bit about "smoking-hot Latin guys", because...what the hell? Anyway, here's why not: Because America is still pretty much seen as the one country where Jose Average, or whoever, can come in, find a job legal or otherwise, and make enough money to send back to his family in Guadalajara so that they don't starve to death. Most people who come in from 3rd-world countries know that they can see a doctor here, and luxuries like clean drinking water.

Furthermore, a decent number of illegal immigrants didn't sneak over the border from Mexico. They strolled in through Immigration at JFK airport perfectly legally, and then when their visa expired, they neglected to a) leave or b) get arrested and therefore busted. So they might not be the superstar in any given field, but they're not the stereotypical immigrant fruit-picker.

Someday, I will have the will-power to stop reading this idiotic drivel. Until then, Ms. Coulter, thank you for a bit of entertainment.


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