Alas, I believe
Thus far of all the candidates, I absolutely like Richardson best. Obama's OK and certainly has charisma, but is deeply lacking in experience. Edwards has more experience but he's been talking up security and defense too much for my liking; I predict parroting of our currently Dear Leader's rhetoric. Richardson, on the other hand, is liberal enough in his stances for me to stomach him, has an overwhelming amount of diplomatic experience, and is one of the only candidate with actual executive experience.
His latest thing here in NM is legalizing medical marijuana. I'm completely in favor of that and have a hard time seeing what the objections to it are (you're a terminal cancer patient but no you can't have this drug that will ease your excruciating pain because I think it's morally wrong?), but I'm sure there are lots of people who do oppose it. As good as it is for New Mexico, I think it's a bad move for his presidential aspirations. It looks too liberal, even though I don't think it particularly is.
And thus is the problem of Mr. Bill Richardson: he seems like a nice guy who honestly wants to do the right thing. Thus, he's not going to abandon his current constituency to run around campaigning, and I can't imagine him giving in and truly playing the political game of Talk but Don't Act.
You do know that he accepted federal funding that has the nasty stipulation of Abstinence Only Education in New Mexico public schools? He claims that he loves New Mexicans and wants to help us and our youths and yet he bent under the pressure and allowed a group of people to teach a bunch of lies (like condoms NEVER work)!
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