I want to ride my biiiiii-cycle...
To be filed under "Things to remember for future reference":
If it is 90-some degrees out, you probably don't want to ride your bike rather than take the bus back from the grocery store. Because while that may give you a moment of feeling good about yourself, it's three miles back to campus. And those three miles are entirely uphill. And it's over ninety degrees out. And also, you have no water with you. And, because this is Santa Fe, it's something like -110% humidity, and you can just feel your red blood cells shrieking and shriveling up as they die.
And also because this is Santa Fe, even if you're on a back road with practically no traffic, you will still get obscenely whistled at by a couple Hispanic guys in a white pickup. I don't know if it's the same guys in the same truck, but I swear that's a constant of any bicycle or foot journey in this town.
Labels: bicycle, common sense, Santa Fe
I've never been obscenely whistled at by Hispanic men in pickup trucks. Although I think a rather well-to-do man in his fifties made a pass at me once. Or maybe he was just really nice.
In which case I think I was a little rude to him.
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