Thank you Senator Specter!
Sen. Specter has been trying to squirrel away nearly $900,000 for abstinance-only sex ed in PA.
“There are people who say that abstinence education doesn’t work,” Mr. Specter said, but “I’ve seen a lot of indicators that it does work.” In addition, he said, “I have 12 million people in Pennsylvania, they have a lot of different ideas,” some of them strongly favor abstinence education, and their values “ought to be recognized.”Okay. What evidence is there that it does work? Because a minute or two with Google reveals plenty of evidence it doesn't, and, uh...none that it does.
So, yeah, let's try to spend that money on something that doesn't work, because Specter has seen "indicators" that it does work.
Labels: common sense, idiots, money, politics, sex
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