Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Sunday, May 09, 2010


My attempts to understand what exactly the problem is with Britain's massive screw-up of an election have led me to the conclusion that there's only one good solution:

Write a freaking constitution. Seriously, the universe is trying to tell you guys something, and maybe it's that working from an unwritten, nonsensical system kludged together according to the changing whims of society of hundreds of years is perhaps not the best idea. Case in point: as far as this stupid American can tell a big part of the problem is that you for some reason need a supermajority in the House of Commons in order to have a prime minister, however, there's no real obligation to have a prime minister. There's no legal document that says,"Uh, yes, we need to have a head of government" - basically the highest office in the land is ruled by nothing more than tradition and momentum. That, amongst other things, strikes me as maybe something you want to fix? For god's sake, there's no shame in it. Just write some stuff down, come up with a coherent electoral system, and join the, oh, post-Industrial Revolution world!

Granted, what I'm really hoping for, solely for the "Holy shit" factor is for the queen to actually use the privilege that she does have and, you know, take over. Corgis and silly hats all around!

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