Classical Spin

Rantings and ravings on politics, philosophy, and things that fall into the ether of 'none of the above'.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More on McPay

Regarding the McDonald's prepaid debit card as a 'paycheck', a woman in PA is suing McDonald's franchisees for paying her with a prepaid card. The card carries fees including $1.00 to check your balance, $1.50 to withdraw cash at an ATM, and $15 if you need to replace your card.

If there is a dollar charge for a balance inquiry, that functionally means the worker needs to pay in order to ensure that they've been paid.

This is why we need unions and labor laws.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013


(Yes, I'm apparently back from the dead.)

McDonalds and Visa have teamed up to create a website advising McWorkers on how to best manage their money. Lovely, right? It has advice for saving for a car, creating a budget, and tips on why your Visa-branded preloaded debit card is so much better than an actual paycheck.

...Okay. Problem number one: paycards. Most of them charge fees for doing all sorts of things you take for granted if paid via check or cash or direct deposit, like getting cash from an ATM. And you're a lot less likely to be able to save if first you need to get your money off a piece of plastic, then put it in the bank.

Regardless, that's not the biggest problem. Here is the biggest problem:
There's...a lot to say about this (for example, I'm now working two jobs! Awesome). But some of the really glaring problems: 
1) McDonalds apparently does not think 'food' should be a regular item on a monthly budget. But I probably qualify for food stamps, so I guess I just won't ever buy anything SNAP doesn't pay for, like a fast-food meal. 
2) Sure, $600 may get you a decent place, either one-bedroom or with a roommate in some places. But do you live in a big city? Enjoy your closet!
3) Health insurance: $20. If I recall correctly, the "we'll maybe pay something out after the $2500 deductible, unless it's a, b, c, d....or x. Y and Z we'll pay for" insurance policy I had for a while was maybe $200/month? (My parents paid; that's why I could afford it.)
4) Heating: $0. We we're living somewhere without winter. 

I get that it's an example. But you know what would set a better example, McDonalds? Paying your employees a living wage! Pay them enough so that they can reasonable work one full-time job, and still afford luxuries such as heat and food and health care! 

Meanwhile in America:

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